We may not be posting for a while here on the blog. We have had a sudden change of plans and are packing up the farm, the fam, and everything else and moving. We will be farming out some of the livestock and selling others. This is not something that we are doing on a whim. Things have been extremely challenging as of late and we cannot pass up this opportunity.
Ruby and Jaws will be living with some wonderful friends of ours. They have only had pigs for a little while, so we will be communicating with them via email to make sure all goes well. Jaws will have a second pretty lady to snuggle with on this farm and they are hoping for a couple of litters. The piglets that Ruby has now will be going with her (of course) and they may sell them or keep some for more breeding gilts.
Neptune and Sox are being sold to the neighbors. They are the same people who bought Asha's twins. I think that Sox will end up being a great milker for them. And Neptune is a good herd sire - and not related to the twins.
All of the chickens, ducks, and the goose have been sold to various local farms. Some of the chickens will be kept as layers, but some will end up in the freezer. I think the hardest ones for me to let go of were the beautiful slate blue hens...but there are always more chickens. We did, however, ask the neighbors to keep Crystal the chicken. She doesn't lay very much any more and I didn't want her butchered by a farmer. Z was very close to her.
Lilo, Zeus, Tumbleweed, and Asha are all going to Sarah's house. She has a couple of friends willing to house a few and she will be housing a few. I know that they will be well cared for and that in a year's time, they will still be happy and healthy, ready to come home.
So, until I have a farm again (and I will, I have no doubt), I may not have much to post about the Rogers Roost Ranch. But as they say, you can take the girl out of the country, but you can't take the country out of the girl. I'm sure I'll find my farm fix one way or another.