Well, it's that time of year again. And I am already falling behind. I thought that I'd be so on the ball this year - I mean, I've done this for awhile now. I should remember what needs to be done. But alas, we are three weeks away from Lilo's due date and I am just now realizing that I should've already given her several meds.
In an effort to prepare for next year (and the other goats that will kid later this year), I am going to write down all of the information on this blog. That way, hopefully, I will be able to stay on top of things. * A lot of this information comes from two great websites, Onion Creek Ranch and Fias Co Farms. *
6 Weeks Out
BoSe: 2.5cc/100lbs IM injection
Sulmet: Day one - 1ml/5lbs, Day Two-Five - 1ml/10lbs, given orally
Ivomec: 1ml/50lbs, given orally (even though it says it's an injectable)
No Alfalfa: This is to reduce the amount of calcium in the doe's diet to avoid "milk fever."
4 Weeks Out
Covexin 8 booster: 2cc SubQ injection
3 Weeks Out
Vitamin E: Added to grain
2 Weeks Out
BoSe: 2.5cc/100lbs IM injection
1 Week Out
Shave udder and tail area
Kidding Week
After birth
Iodine 7%: Dip umbilical cord
BoSe for kids: 1ml/40lbs
1 Week After
Disbud: Boys may be earlier than this - looking for a good horn bud to work with.
2 Weeks After
Locking up babies at night / milking momma in the mornings
3 Weeks After
Covexin 8: 2cc SubQ injection
4 Weeks After
BoSe: 1ml/40lbs
Wether boys
6 Weeks After
Covexin 8 booster: 2cc SubQ injection
8 Weeks After
Ivomec: 1ml/50lbs given orally