We bought a couple of bales of straw to add bedding to the pigs, goats, chickens, and rabbits. We also added some pieces of plywood to the pallet-framed sides of the goat shed. I had stapled several plastic feed bags in a patchwork wind break, but the plywood works better.
J stuffed the inside pallets with straw and we screwed a pallet onto half of the front opening for some more wind protection. Of course, Tumbleweed thought it was a great new toy and managed to push it over before the evening began.
The pigs have burrowed into their nest. Hammy Fae is quite the nest builder, although Kevin doesn't help much. She will bring mouth fulls of straw into certain places, building up a nice wall, and Kevin will come burrowing through it. They seem to agree in the end...because we always see them snuggled up together, pink ears peeking out over the mounds of straw.
The chickens have a heat lamp in the coop and with the new smaller pop door, they should be warm enough - if they stay inside. They are not the sharpest tools in the shed and I will see them out first thing in the morning, trying to keep their feet warm by standing on one leg. They could easily stay inside, but that would be sensible. One thing chickens don't seem to be is sensible.